Spiff – Tom Cruise Crazy

By JoCo March 23, 2009

I think my favorite moment is Tom sliding across the floor in his underwear (but then I have always been a sucker for an attractive young man in briefs):


Chronos540 says


JonathanL says

Definitely a very creative way to WoW up Tom Cruise; the BElf even LOOKS like him!

MarcyT says

I saw this yesterday just after he posted it. It's sooooo good!!!

Duke says

This was outstanding. Bravo sirs, bravo.

KeyOfGrey says

That was awesome!

PonderousMan says

Ah, it has been TOO long since Spiff did one of these... he has a true talent for putting these together, getting the WoW feel AND the song at the same time...

So how long until we see one for Blue Sunny Day?!

Spiff says

"Blue Sunny Day" could have been next, but the apps I use to make the videos can't do what I'd need for that particular song. But as soon as the apps get updated to the point where they can, count on a "Blue Sunny Day" video soon after.

JoAnn in VA says

Soooooo...any hints as to what you are working on next? I know, you never tell till it comes out, *sigh*.

Ando Calrissian says

I like how Oprah is a cow.

Roman V. says

Haha Top Gundrak... Excellent.

whall says

It's posts like these that make me wish for a blackberry or cell phone that could do flash.

Isn't the government supposed to bail out the needy and those who are too big to fail?

Obama promised me an iPhone! Where's my iPhone?!?!?!?

Mr.Nobody says

I love it! Absolutely Brilliant! :D

ZSandmann says

I think Days of Thunder Lizards was my favorite "movie" as it really is my favorite cruise flick. Awesome vid as usual to an underapprieciated JoCo song.

Samir says

I love spiff, he always adds his own little visual twists.

rozwarren says

amazing as usual. thanks!!

MR says

Ah, it has been TOO long since Spiff did one of these… he has a true talent for putting these together, getting the WoW feel AND the song at the same time…
So how long until we see one for Blue Sunny Day?!