Len’s Space Doggity Image

By JoCo August 11, 2008

Sad. But cute! Thanks Len…

Space Doggity


Jim says

Maybe the Satellite of Love will pick him up!

Demetrius says

LOVE the S.O.L. reference! Great work, Len! Simple. Elegant. We can assume she's only asleep if we want to...

Demetrius says

And, did anyone notice Canis Major in the upper right?

SevinPackage says

Great job as always, Len!

Liza LS says

I'm guessing this is one of those Rorschach "tell me what you see" sort of pics. I see Laika as snubbing her former "handlers" and going off leash with her nose in the air (or non-air, as the case may be). That sort of "humph!" is drawn with the eyes closed and the nose up. Only our girl isn't being snobby, she's just sassy!


Waldo says

Nice Catch, Demetrius!

Roman V. says


Great picture as always.

Len says

Some people were asking for T-shirts. Well, those are available now at Zazzle. Please point your browser here:


Len says

Oh, and posters too:



jci says

Why I see the drawing and all I can think is MST3K? :-)

Keep the good work Jonathan. The song is lovely. Along with some other more that you've done before. Kudos for that!

Russ Rogers says

It's interesting that this drawing makes reference to Mystery Science Theater 3000 (with the Satellite of Love in the background) and now the RiffTones (the singing side of the RiffTrax gang--former MST3K alum, still skewering flicks. Check out www.rifftrax.com) are going head to head versus Jonathan Coulton in the most recent Song Fu battle!


Coincidence or synchronicity?

Heather says

Sweet little Laika. Great image. I'm sure Mike, Joel, and the bots on the SoL will take good care of her when she's ready to come inside.

JoCo, I'd love to see this one in concert. It's a new favorite - high frequency on the playlist.