Still Alive in Rock Band

By JoCo April 1, 2008

This is not an April Fool’s thing: “Still Alive” for Rock Band is available today as an absolutely free download through Xbox Live. How’s that for cake?

In a related story, here’s an interview I did with Heather Wilson at Harmonix, the makers of Rock Band.

Also, just wanted to let you know, I’m quitting music because I just got a great job writing software.


Jason C. Brand says

Enjoy your new job! At least we'll have the music you've made.

(and I KNOW this is an April Fool's joke... it has to be)

Joran says

That was a joke, ha ha fat chance.

Enjoying your cake?

Dan Diemer says

I hope that the code you write is as functional and elegant as your music.

Kevin Fox says

Is it true that your first program is a game called 'Guitar Monkey'?

Colton David says

Wait, free for X-Box live, what about PS3? I feel ripped...

Paul says

We're looking forward to "App a Week..."

Steve says

Got Still Alive for Rock Band last night.

Drums are a blast. I had no idea it was possible for a drum part to feel 'perky', but they do.

SMurph says

Okay, just played it on guitar and that's just a conflux of three of my fave things in the world: JoCo, Portal, and Rock Band. This may be more than I can bear....

ditto says

I got mine! I can't wait to give it a try.
Now if we can only get Code Monkey, and Skull Crusher Mountain, and....

T.O. says

Colton David, if you see this... Yes, it will come out for PS3, but it'll take a while longer as the PS3 store is getting a major update taking up this entire week.

Kelly says

Now I'm going to have to buy Rock Band.

Brel says

NO! You can't stop your music--You'd break a lot of hearts. I'm just going to hope this is some silly April Fools' thing.
I'll have to download your song for rockband.

Brel says

Oh yeah, and also I'm very excited that you'll be coming to Portland =)

Brie says

Re: quitting music -- ha ha. Happy April Fool's Day to you too.

Sujin says

At least you have Code Monkey to play in your cube. :) Happy April Fools Day to you too.

Clucky says

Here's to hoping you come write some software in Pittsburgh soon =)

Marcy says

Thank goodness. I was hoping you'd quit the music thing, especially after that discussion we had about how you steal all your best ideas from the guys at Pure Pwnage. I don't think you'll do too well at software...don't you think you should learn how to use a computer first? Remember how we talked about the fact that software doesn't mean clothing made from cotton fabric? Really, Jonathan, I really think you should go back to working at the Quik Stop. Do it for yourself, your family, humanity......


Stormy says

Congrats on your new job! :P

Jon Who says

And so JoCo goes full circle, like everything else in this world. Give it 3 years and he'll come crawling back. You'll see! You'll all see!

*Aware of April 1st-ness, unaware of how creepy that may have sounded*

Gingerlink says

*completely sees the irony*

*is not worried*

*suddenly worries that maybe he should be*

adelheid says

Whoa! You got me! You are joking, right. . . right?

When are you coming to Pittsburgh?

selene says

i hope you joking... dont break my little heart like that:(
ohh by the way i found a pic of you is you and bryan dunn

manstraw says

what the hell is with this email I got saying the creative commons licence was invalidated in court, and I have to pay for those tunes I download from

D3M0N23 says

Awesome! But I NEED Re: Your Brains on rock band! my life would be complete! make it happen!

Gary says

Desperately in need of a developer for our secret half-pony half-monkey in space project. Please come to Houston ASAP.

TWiG says

YES!!! Kickin Arse!!! totaly agree with the needing Re: Your Brains and Code Monkey and others too!!! oh man.. me goes to drool and bang on his drums.

-= TWiG =-
(XbGT = TWiG 420)

Tim says

Jonathan is dead.

Jill D. says

JoCo is the walrus.

Bob says

Cause it's the First of April, First of April
What the hell
Rhymes with April?

JP says

Well after writing OS10 and becoming a rock star, I am not sure there is much else for you to do but to go back to your roots.

Or be a pirate ninja, people love pirate ninjas. :)

Roman V. says

I assume that second part IS an April Fool's joke. But if it isn't, please contribute to open-source, like seriously.

Andrea says

I love rock band so much, and yet we only have the PS2 version, couldn't swing both a $169 game AND a whole new gaming system, so I can't drum along with Still Alive.


Unless I bring my plastic drum kit to the show and set 'em up behind the merch table! Muahaha!

Sean says

Thank God JoCo is going back to getting a "real job". Now we can look forward to "Thing A Week - The Revenge" ...coming soon!

Len says

I have to play this song with you over Live. I am that big of a loser.

Jowarri says

Dear Mr. Coulton,

Due to your failure to report for work this morning at HuhCorp, we regret to inform you of your immediate termination. Please contact our personnel department for more information at


HuhCorp AI#02
See us at:

AI02/Form 2217_termination_email_template.dat

Jacob says

So you're gonna start a Code A Week project I take it?

JoD says

Maybe next year you can rick roll us with a sweet cover. Actually, if you can do it sooner that'd be great. I've been rick rolled so much that I kind of like the song.

Kevin says

just wanted to ask if you could send me the lyrics of 'still alive' I just love the portal song :D

Jinx says

This song is so fun on Rock Band. I'm so glad that more people are taking notice of your music. Thanks for all the fun listening.

Silver says

Happy belated April Fools to you as well...

Srsly, some to Bothell.
Or at least do a Seattle show at a discreet location so it doesn't SELL OUT

Also, as it turns out, the eyepatch... is a-ok.

Encubed says

Kevin, have you ever tried Googling "Still Alive lyrics"?

Logan says

You have to try to get Re: Your Brains on Rock Band, I'd buy it.

Logan says

Re: Your Brains on Rock Band? I think yes!

Zen D. says

I just got my awesome JoCo-autographed copy of Orange Box for the PS3 compliments of the guys at The 404 podcast. Trying my best to beat Portal so I can actually hear the song in-game but that last level is a pain. Just wanted to say that Still Alive is a great song and Jonathan, you're the Best!

Vegiemite says

Okay, I play rock band with my godfather and his 6 year old son, and if RE: your brains was on here we'd all just go flippin crazy. He allready sings "all we wanna do is eat your brains" alot, though he doesn't know the rest of the song. :) You'd be my hero twice-over if you got that song on rock band. :)

Calophi says

Is there any chance that Still Alive will be released in a future Track Pack for the Wii/PS2?