Northampton, Somerville

By JoCo October 7, 2007

Ran out of time to blog about these, but they were both great shows. I wish I’d had a bit more time at the Northampton show – they had another band coming in after us so we needed to squeeze a bit to get clear of the stage in time. Hard to cram in so much rocking into so small a window of time. Somerville ruled of course, that town in particular always offers a giant crowd of geeks – they absolutely LURV songs about maths. P+S and I did the first ever live “Soft Rocked By You” to medium success.

Thanks everybody for coming out to all these shows. I’ve got a week of no live stuff, which will be a nice break. Then NYC on the 14th (with The Petersons!) and Sellersville, PA on the 19th. I’m also hoping to record and release something new this coming week if the fates allow it (don’t get excited, it’s not one of my best). And right now I’m going to take a nap…rock and roll…

Oops, forgot to mention that the fine people at Harmonix invited me and Paul and Storm to their Cambridge offices to play a bit of their new game Rockband while we were in the neighborhood, which was fantastic. I love to play the drums, and that is the truth. I had a chance to check it out a little at PAX, but it was nice to be able to play it with Paul and Storm (and get free sodas, w00t!). Paul can really rock the vocals on “Dead or Alive” by the way.

Egads, and I also forgot to mention that Ian came up to offer his emergency ukulele services at the Somerville show, whereupon we played Big Bad World One. Kristen is probably going to be mad at me.


spi says

I loved the show in Cambridge Friday night. Very nice show! First time seeing JoCo live!

You and P+S opening with "Soft Rocked By You" was a grand opening. Don't be afraid to continue opening with it.

The ZenDrum was kick ass!

Jess says

Soft Rocked By You is a great song, but Paul and Storm's show was so high-energy that the quieter song with subtler humor did feel a little flat by comparison. It could definitely work as an opener under other circumstances, though.

Fantastic show, though - come back soon! (And bring P&S with you)

Roman V says

I am wondering if "I love to play the drums" is a TMBG reference...

john d'arc says

Damn! The one time in recent memory he is in NYC, and I am unable to make it cause I am elsewhere.

Such is the life of a college student.

Allison says

so jealous that you got to play Rock Band!!

Does this mean there's a chance a JoCo song could end up on Rock Band 2??

Lindsay says

JoCo, as you said, we'll always have Somerville :) Already awaiting your return to our fine city.

I was psyched to hear Soft Rocked By You, and you should consider it a complete success. You rocked us so softly, we were without words.

And just so you know - my ipod is permanently JoCo'd, I'm happy to report. A careful coat of clear nail polish over your John Hancock has preserved it perfectly :P It's a wondrous thing, and I thank you.

Kerrin says

I'm slowly becoming a Paul and Storm fan, and knowing that Paul can rock at Wanted: Dead or Alive has certainly helpped then (Bon Jovi are my second favourite band/artist, guess who the first is.)

At the next concert I attend, I expect a P&S and JoCo cover of Dead or Alive ;)

LSK says

Just to be clear: Were they nice enough to let you record a song for the game?

SevinPackage says

Please say that you did visit the Rock Band recording studio! If Guitar Hero II can have HomeStarRunner's 'Trogdor', then we can have something from you on the greatest music game of all time, like 'Code Monkey' or 'Re: Your Brains'(with a zombie audience), or 'Skullcrusher Mountain' or even 'I Feel Fantastic'(the superfast Freezepop remix!)

Jost says

I'm confused here. Is Soft Rocked By You a codename for Soft Rocked By Me, or is it something completely different?

Mark says

Jost they're the same thing.

the Northampton show was amazing, you must return soon.

Joe W. says

The Somerville show was incredible. It was an awesome moment when Manny hit the walk-off homer during Mandelbrot Set. And Re: Your Brains was so great as a live sing-a-long.

Lindsay says

Josh: nah, I'm a twit, mistyped it. :)

Randbot says

Both your shows at the Iron Horse have been great -- can't wait for you guys to come back around for show #3!

Tina says

Thanks so much for "soft rocking" me; the Somerville show was the first time my friends and I got to see you live. Loved it! Please come back soon!!

jesss says

Lindsay, you are not a twit at all. JoCo mistyped it too!


Kristen says

But. . . I thought we had something special!

The worst part is that he's better than me.

Jon says

Loved the Somerville show last weekend. It was the first time seeing you in concert, but definitely not the last!

LoonieBin says

You did mistype Jost's name, though, Lindsay.

I thought you didn't like Soft Rocked by Me...

jesss says

Everyone secretly likes "Soft Rocked By Me" but not everyone will admit it.

Lindsay says

LoonieBin: Yeah, I noticed that too. Apparently I was having a bad typing day :) Sorry, Jost!

A little tidbit for JoCo, though mostly Paul and Storm:

Their Nugget Man video got Farked yesterday :) hooray!

flynngrrl says

I'd never been to a show of yours before and just dropped in with a friend of mine who insisted that I'd like it. On the way there I was worried. It was a Friday night concert and there I was in my ponytail and glasses. Maybe I should have brushed and parted my hair, or put in my contacts? Lipstick rather than tinted lip balm?

I was happy to see that my fashion worries were unfounded. I fit right in with the rest of the slightly-more-awkward-than-other-concerts crowd and loved every minute of it. My friend and I played "guess the Aspie" and rocked out. Thanks, and I hope you come back soon!