Out of Gas

By JoCo October 12, 2006

As they say in the cop movies, I’m getting too old for this shit. I would have loved to spend some time walking around beautiful San Francisco today, but had to crash out in the hotel instead. Now I’m off to Cody’s to do the Hodgman thang, and then back to NYC tomorrow for a few days, where I hope to sleep this cold away.

Thanks to all you folks who came out last night, that was a really fun show. As usual, you demonstrated that Seattle audiences tend to be the biggest and most enthusiastic, even when I’m high on store brand DayQuil, croaking my way through songs I don’t play very well on a good day. And the crowd at the Hodgman reading was simply enormous, maybe 300 people. Totally kickass. We love you west coast, bye for now…


Glenn Peters says

No mention of Portland? I am a sad monkey...

Bob says

You too!?!? I've had a cold for the last week and a half. Apparently it's all over NYC right now.

AiYume says

Great to see you in SF tonight, Jonathan. I look forward to your return in February with Paul & Storm. Keep us updated on appearances.

cecil vortex says

I caught the first 90 minutes of the SF Cody's fiesta. An excellent time. I really had no idea that Jonathan was only 3 foot 5, albiet perfectly proportioned.

Also: Big Rock Candy Mountain was great. I'd forgotten about all those cigarette trees.

Unfortunately I had to leave before the very end, after lots of good Q&A. I'm guessing I missed a song or two. Did anyone catch the whole event, and could they please kill me softly, with his song (list), kill me softly...with his songs (list)?


Spencer says

Ha, Glenn.

The few of us that caught you on Tuesday thank you very much. It was a pleasure-- you and Hodgman were amazing.

Thanks very much, Jonathan. It was great.

Sparky says

Cecil, he didn't really sing anything after the Q&A, softly or otherwise. There was, however, a fine reading of Hobo Poetry (which is slightly better than Vogon Poetry). My requisite Flickr photos of the Cody's show at:


JC, come back and enjoy San Francisco when you’ve got more time and less, uh, cold.

Qaein says

Great show Wednesday - I enjoyed the unconventional live show lineup (well, unconventional for you, at least). I appologize for suggesting your least favorite song...I wanted to say Pizza Day, but Soft Rocked came out first.

For having a cold, you sounded great. We could all tell near the end of the concert that you were in need of some rest, and I'm glad you were able to get it. Keep yourself healthy so that others can enjoy your presence (and presents - the ones they can foist upon their friends) while you're still being dragged hither and yon by John.

And for gosh sake, come back soon...maybe make the next show on a weekend and in a larger facility? (if you have any controll over the situation - I realize you were kinda booked this week, and for a mid-week show, the Jewelbox was a nicely sized theater)

Again, thank you for all the creativity, hard work, and great swag :)

Todd Johnson says

So cool to see you and John at Cody's tonight! I was the guy who bought the "trifecta" of CD's from you afterwards... just wanted to say thanks again for such a great show and for being so personable and approachable afterwards. I stuck a link to my blog, with some pics and video of the event, under my name.

Tony Fabris says

Thanks for coming to Seattle again, JC. We love you.

Here's something fun for you:

Andy says

Yeah, thanks for coming back to Seattle. I missed it the first time (and almost this time, being a minor sucks). Fortunately they let us in, and you now have two new fans.

Great show!

Darth Paradox says

Thanks for the awesome show Wednesday night. We had one of those perfectly-timed nights - not only did we get to the show in time, but afterwards we managed to get back to Elliott Bay in time to catch the very end of the line for the Hodgman signing.

The man actually stayed there until nearly 11 PM to make sure everyone in line got something signed. I'm impressed. And now we've got a book with both your and Hodgman's autographs in it, although apparently the book is obsolete and needs burning. Oh, well.

(And getting to go up on stage to be the robot overlord absolutely made my month. Rock.)

LoRe says

Jonathan C., you're a good sport. It was a nice show on Wednesday, and I really don't think anyone'd've noticed the cold if you hadn't warned us.

Darth P., now that I know what you look like, I'm not getting anywhere near you for a week or two.

LoRe says

Oh, and: that there pill song is a surefire Girl Scouts campfire classic, like "Rocky Raccoon".

Andrea says

Feel better soon!

I'm sick today too. Stupid sinuses! Now that the drugs have finally kicked in, I've been listening to "Take Care of Me" in heavy rotation on my iTunes, along with the Jimmy Buffett classic "My Head Hurts, My Feet Stink, And I Don't Love Jesus". They don't fix my head but they cheer me up!

I hope the rest helps you a lot. And I hope Mrs. Coulton takes care of you!

Jon says

You were just in SF? Thanks for not telling me (even though we've never met and I'm a stranger leaving a comment on your blog).

JoCo says

Oh yeah, I forgot about Portland! Portland was a great crowd too, but I didn't have my own show so I forgot all about it - also I was really high on crystal meth. I did meet Spiff's nephew though (and then later in SF, Spiff himself), and saw Glenn and Vincent and then had a nice chat with a bunch of fans. Sorry Portland - I love you too...

Andrine says

AAARRRGGGHHH!? What is your 'mailing list' for??!! You said you'd email us when you were in our neck of the woods and now I missed you in Portland. I suck, but you suck more.

Next time, buddy, you're going to get it.

Glenn Peters says

That's OK, we love you too. And thanks for coming!

Spencer says

"I didn’t have my own show so I forgot all about it - also I was really high on crystal meth."

Yeah, that happens around here.

Scott Haley says

In Seattle, I stayed with Hodgeman until the end of his talk, so I was only able to see the end of your show at the Showbox, and meet you after. You were very nice. Next time you perform in or near Washington State, I hope to see your whole show and bring friends along.