VTAW – Seahorse

By JoCo July 15, 2006

I’m in Massachusetts with only dialup and no cellphone service (also some SMTP server problems just for fun). I’m dying. It would take about ten hours to download, upload and post Len’s image the way I usually do, so I’ll instead just point you to the Flickr page where it’s currently at. This is one sad but determined seahorse. Bless him. Thanks Len…


MattGyver says

Well, geez, Jonathan. Sounds like you're just not dedicated enough. Letting minor inconveniences like that get in your way.

Great song and I love the picture as usual. I really see a bit of myself in this seahorse. I can't tell you how many times I've been impregnated by a woman who just up and leaves in the middle of the night.

Kerrin says

Has it ever occured to anyone that the person that decided which seahorse was male and which was female simple got it wrong, and when they realized, rather than admitting the mistake they said, 'Oh, that is the 1st male creature to carry the baby.'

Just a thought.

By the way, love the song and picture as always.

Glenn says

I'm pretty sure they checked.

Barbie says

What does a sea horse look like? Could you not check under its tail like you do with a real horse? I'm blind and don't get these things.